Monday 16 March 2015

Repair Hail Damage With Compressed Air

Ensure the value of your car by removing unsightly dents.

According to the University of Wyoming, hailstorms are most likely to occur during the spring, and the storm systems that produce them are sporadic and unpredictable. Dents on your vehicle from hail can be an aesthetic nightmare. These dents are unsightly and can be expensive to repair. You may think these dents would require professional attention; however, you can easily remove dents with a few tools lying around your house, in addition to a can of pressurized air from your local home improvement or electronics store. Repairing dents at home is a very hands-on project and can save you hundreds of dollars in repairs.


1. Cleanse the dented area with a cleaning detergent specialized for motor vehicles. Pour some of the detergent into a bucket of water. Lather your sponge or cloth with the solution. Scrub away the dirt and grime. Wipe the area dry with a paper towel.

2. Park the car near an electrical power source. Use an extension cord if you have to. You may even have an electrical outlet in your garage.

3. Have your tools nearby. Place a can of compressed air in your work station. Connect a hair dryer to an open port on the extension cord's connector hub and place the hair dryer near you. Repairing a dent requires quick hands, so it is best to have all your tools near you for easy access.

4. Power on your hair dryer. Crank the hair dryer to its hottest settings. Place the nozzle into the dent's cavity, keeping it a few centimeters away from the surface. Focus the heat into the dent for three to five minutes, ensuring that the metal gets really hot.

5. Power off the hair dryer and place it aside. Quickly take the can of compressed air, turn it upside down, and blast away at the dent for 10 to 15 seconds, or until the dent pops out. Turning the can of air upside down will cause it to spray liquid carbon dioxide. The cold from the liquid carbon dioxide will cause the heated metal to rapidly expand, subsequently causing the dent to pop out.

6. Let the icy particles melt away. Wipe the area dry with a clean towel.

Tags: hair dryer, area with, carbon dioxide, extension cord, into dent, liquid carbon, liquid carbon dioxide